A Journey to Modern Convenience

Automation Associates chat with clients Hamish and Kate about their recent home automation project. Read what they have to say here.

Embracing Smart Home Technology: A Journey to Modern Convenience

In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, the concept of a smart home has become increasingly appealing. For Hamish and Kate, the allure of a connected, automated house was too compelling to ignore. Inspired by a holiday home with automation features, Hamish was particularly drawn to the idea of integrating smart technology into their own home. As Kate supported his enthusiasm, the couple embarked on a journey to create a smart home that offers ease of functionality, enhanced convenience, and robust security.

Why Choose a Smart Home?

When asked what drove them to invest in smart home technology, Hamish pointed out the clear advantages they saw. “After viewing a holiday home with automation installed, it seemed very logical to have a smart home,” he explained. The promise of streamlined functionality, convenience, and the ability to integrate security features were major selling points for the couple.

For anyone considering smart home automation, Hamish offers practical advice: “Do some due diligence and go with the team at Automation Associates and choose Crestron products.” His endorsement highlights the importance of selecting a reliable provider with expertise in home automation.

Modern kitchen

The Must-Haves: Simplicity and Integration

Hamish and Kate had specific requirements for their smart home, with a focus on simplicity and integration. “One App and ease of functionality were must-haves for us,” Hamish said. By integrating security systems and cameras into a single app, the Crestron system made it simple to connect and control various features of the house.

Music was another priority, particularly for Kate, who enjoys having music play throughout the home. “By connecting the house to Spotify, we can walk from room to room, and the music or entertainment is playing – you don’t miss anything,” Hamish shared. This seamless integration of entertainment and automation reflects the couple’s desire for a cohesive living experience.

A Single App, Countless Possibilities

One of the standout features of Hamish and Kate’s smart home is the ability to control everything through a single app. “For me, it’s the one app to view and function,” Hamish noted, contrasting this with other systems that require multiple apps to perform different functions. The convenience of having all controls in one place cannot be overstated, especially when managing various aspects of a smart home.

Kate’s favourite feature? The ability to play music throughout the house using the Crestron system. “Scenes” also play a significant role in their daily routines, with one button to turn on the lighting when they arrive home and other buttons for “Away” and “Goodnight” settings, adding a touch of elegance to their smart home experience.


The Smart Home Advantage

When asked for an elevator pitch about their smart home, Hamish emphasized its user-friendliness. “It’s easy to use,” he said, adding that AA’s support had been exceptional. The technicians were diligent, professional, and prompt, ensuring that the system was installed and maintained to the highest standards.

The smart home has become an integral part of Hamish and Kate’s lifestyle, making their home an extension of how they live and entertain. “The ease and functionality of the system make the house easy to live and entertain in,” Hamish observed, illustrating how technology can enhance daily life.

Looking Back and Moving Forward

Reflecting on the project, Hamish acknowledged that there were a few additional features they would have liked to include, such as automated blinds and heat pumps. “It would have been nice to have the budget to add on some other functions,” he admitted. However, they remain open to expanding their system in the future as their budget allows.

Hamish and Kate are loving their smart home. They view their investment in Crestron technology as worthwhile, both in terms of enhancing their daily lives and potentially increasing the capital value of their home. “Its value has certainly been recognized in our day-to-day activities,” Hamish affirmed.

Roller Door

A Testament to Quality and Service

Hamish concluded by expressing his gratitude for the support he received throughout the process. “Alex was easy to connect with, a great source of knowledge, and always very helpful,” he said. Even after the installation, Alex’s prompt responses and continued assistance have left a lasting positive impression. “We felt in great hands with Alex,” Hamish added, underscoring the importance of having a trusted expert guide them through their smart home journey.

In summary, Hamish and Kate’s smart home journey is a testament to the transformative power of technology when combined with thoughtful design and expert support. Their home not only meets their functional needs but also enhances their lifestyle, providing a seamless, enjoyable living experience.

Interested to know more about their project – read about it here.

If you are building or renovating, contact the friendly experts at Automation Associates today to chat about your project.  Phone 09 377 3778 or email advice@aa.net.nz

Simplify Life.