What is a Room Booking System?
Board room, meeting room, privacy space, huddle room. Rooms with different uses often have different technology. A room booking, or room scheduling system lets your workforce quickly determine the availability and schedule of rooms and book the right space with the right technology for their specific needs using a PC, laptop, mobile device, or on-location panel.
Why you need a Room Booking System
Most organisations have limited meeting room real estate – at times leading to a shortfall of spaces, and alternatively rooms sitting idle at others. Also, with more companies employing a flexible work model supporting a blend of in-office, remote, and on-the-go workers the need for room scheduling has increased as people come and go.
Lack of a suitable meeting rooms can result in meetings being held in spaces unfit for the meeting, with participants having to find a ‘work-around’ for the lack of appropriate technology. This frustration can result in remote attendees being left out, or the meeting being scrapped entirely.
The good news is these difficulties are overcome simply by deploying a room booking system.
Easy Room Booking System
Employees simply book a room matched to their space and AV technology requirements using a Microsoft Outlook interface. The clever room booking system also alerts occupants when their session is due to end, mitigating overruns, maximising the use of company resources and driving productivity.
A good room booking system also enables companies to manage occupation density and provides analytics and utilisation data for better real estate planning.
Contact Automation Associates
Automation Associates Commercial will design and install office technology that is the right fit for your business requirements. Contact us today to talk about room booking, AV technology, video conferencing, BYOD and BYOM options. Email advice@aa.net.nz or phone 0508 288 662.
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