A Home Theatre is a dedicated space where you go to watch TV, Movies or for Gaming, a Media Room is a general purpose social space that has an entertainment system within it.

So, how do you decide which one is right for you….

The primary design driver behind a Home Theatre (also known as a Home Cinema) is the entertainment system, the room is designed around the entertainment experience first and the social aspect second.  The room will have very good light control, all seats will be facing the screen, the screen will dominate the space just like it does in a commercial theatre. The walls will have acoustic treatment and there may be raked (stepped) seating so everyone gets the best view.

A Media Room is all about the people, the couch and coffee table will be the focus, there will be plenty of natural light and a well designed media system will be present and still provide an impressive entertainment experience but when turned off it will not dominate the space.

Which one is right for me?

Do you have different people in the home watching different content at the same time?

Do you need somewhere to keep the little ones busy for a while?

Do you need somewhere to retreat to and immerse yourself for rest and relaxation?

If you answered yes to any of these and have room then a dedicated home theatre is the right way to go.

If not, a media room will be a better choice for you, integrating the main TV and entertaining area into a focal point for your family and friends.

If you’d like a media room or home cinema, or would like more information, click here to have one of our friendly experts get in touch