When distance learning was first introduced it was forward thinking in a paper-based environment but the most important parts of education and learning were lost;

  • The formation of relationships
  • Collaboration between educators and students
  • Collaboration between students
  • Engagement, person to person

In today’s digital age, technology is a tool which can dramatically improve the distance learning environment bringing a live experience to both educators and participants allowing both parties to read body language and tone.  It creates a personal connection and supports communication simultaneously with feedback in real time.  Technology in a distance learning setting provides a collaborative environment designed for group work and sharing and encourages creative thinking.

This interaction is vitally important for student engagement, active participation and maintaining relationships.  Fostering and maintaining relationships is especially important during periods of heightened stress, such as the current global pandemic, for the well-being of your students and the success of their learning.

Furthermore, technology allows analysis of levels of engagement – things that are otherwise very difficult to track or measure in a physical space – making a distance education offering a super smart tool for your institution.

If you are investigating virtual classroom technology or picking between systems, contact Laurence now on 027 846 1763 or email laurence@aa.net.nz for a system demonstration.

Do you want to know how long one of your learners is speaking or how many times they raise their hand?  Technology allows you to easily analyse this data and use it to improve the education experience for both educators and learners.

There are many reasons to consider using technology to improve learning opportunities including accessing subject matter experts anywhere in the world or going on virtual field-trips – an experience far greater than a pre-recorded webinar.

If you’re interested in learning more about how a virtual classroom or training room can improve your educational offering call our friendly experts today.  Training Institutions please contact henry@aa.net.nz or ph 021 947 308.  Education Sector including Ministry of Education please contact laurence@aa.net.nz or ph 027 486 1763.  We will consult with you to produce the best solution for your environment.  We can assist with hardware, software, installation, training and ongoing support.

Photo credit: barco.com