A slick WFH space requires robust and reliable technology to provide flexibility, deliver reduced complexity and organisational functionality making all the difference to your productivity.

Here are a few ideas to get you started on creating the perfect work-from-home office space…

Seamless videoconferencing forms the backbone of your WFH office and crisp, high-quality audio and video is integral to work productivity.  Catch all the crucial details and nuances and focus on what’s important rather than straining to hear.

Similarly, stable, fast Wi-Fi is an absolute must.  Do you need signal extension so you can continue your work by the pool?

With smart home controls we can create a one-button press “On-a-Call” scene that brightens lights, drops blinds, pauses music and switches an indicator light on your home-office door to red so the family knows not to interrupt.

Lighting also plays an important role in forming an effective workspace.  Human centric lighting considers our circadian rhythms which correlate sleepiness with darkness and alertness with lightness.  The addition of HCL allows you to shift or extend the “sun’s natural path” to create an ‘alert’ working environment, whatever the time of day or night.

Simplicity is key – multiple screens and a desk uncluttered of cables will vastly improve your workflow.  Don’t forget about ergonomics and ambiance – have some fun, personalise your workspace and make it a place to enjoy.

Automation Associates can assist with any or all of the above.  Call our friendly experts to discuss ways to enhance your WFH space.  09 377 3778  advice@aa.net.nz


Simplify Life.


Automation Associates has developed a lockdown-proof thermostat for Commercial spaces.

Traditional HVAC systems rely on 7-day timeclocks or programmable thermostats, however during holidays or Lockdowns (when your staff are sent home for a month) HVAC systems continue to run, wasting an enormous amount of energy.

Our Energy Conservation System is based on information from occupancy sensors and the alarm or access control system which is fed back to the HVAC system to ensure it’s not running when the building is empty.

The system works with all brands of ducted or highwall aircon systems, hydronic or electrical underfloor heating systems and passive air and solar systems.

If you’ve ever walked into your office when no-one is there and wished there was some way to stop the aircon running give us a call on 09 377 3778.

For more information contact brendon@aa.net.nz


Simplify Life.

When distance learning was first introduced it was forward thinking in a paper-based environment but the most important parts of education and learning were lost;

  • The formation of relationships
  • Collaboration between educators and students
  • Collaboration between students
  • Engagement, person to person

In today’s digital age, technology is a tool which can dramatically improve the distance learning environment bringing a live experience to both educators and participants allowing both parties to read body language and tone.  It creates a personal connection and supports communication simultaneously with feedback in real time.  Technology in a distance learning setting provides a collaborative environment designed for group work and sharing and encourages creative thinking.

This interaction is vitally important for student engagement, active participation and maintaining relationships.  Fostering and maintaining relationships is especially important during periods of heightened stress, such as the current global pandemic, for the well-being of your students and the success of their learning.

Furthermore, technology allows analysis of levels of engagement – things that are otherwise very difficult to track or measure in a physical space – making a distance education offering a super smart tool for your institution.

If you are investigating virtual classroom technology or picking between systems, contact Laurence now on 027 846 1763 or email laurence@aa.net.nz for a system demonstration.

Do you want to know how long one of your learners is speaking or how many times they raise their hand?  Technology allows you to easily analyse this data and use it to improve the education experience for both educators and learners.

There are many reasons to consider using technology to improve learning opportunities including accessing subject matter experts anywhere in the world or going on virtual field-trips – an experience far greater than a pre-recorded webinar.

If you’re interested in learning more about how a virtual classroom or training room can improve your educational offering call our friendly experts today.  Training Institutions please contact henry@aa.net.nz or ph 021 947 308.  Education Sector including Ministry of Education please contact laurence@aa.net.nz or ph 027 486 1763.  We will consult with you to produce the best solution for your environment.  We can assist with hardware, software, installation, training and ongoing support.

Photo credit: barco.com

Virtual reality is rapidly entering the marketplace, with technological improvements over the past few years increasing quality while driving down costs. For as little as $15, someone can enjoy VR using their smartphone with the Google Cardboard.

Like automated systems, virtual reality is enabling business around the world to transform their practices. The two technologies are similar in offering an innovative solution that enables businesses to become more productive and creative.


When virtual reality first appeared in the market, the most applicable use commercially seemed to be training. VR is an active medium, requiring engagement to function, commanding your attention and encouraging you to interact and make choices. This is in stark contrast to traditionally passive forms of training such as tradition text or video.

Virtual reality offers an immersive experience while eliminating the costs associated with creating a physical environment. A famous example is the US Navy replacing their underwater training in pools (which was expensive to fabricate and maintain) with virtual reality training. This offered the same experience for a lower price with the added benefit of location flexibility.

Project Management

Other industries that could greatly benefit from VR are health, construction and design. This includes both training as well as project management. Products that are in concept stages or large scale projects like buildings can be viewed interactively in VR before the build is complete.

This gives people the ability to immerse themselves in every aspect of a project to bring it to its full potential. When it comes to marketing and sales meetings, pre-visualisation through VR offers a way to show rather than tell, especially when the pitch involves introducing new technologies or concepts.

New Technologies Representing the Future of Business

The big link between virtual reality and automation is their mutual role in transforming commercial practices in the future. More and more companies are adopting these technologies and using them to become more agile, productive and creative while cutting costs.

As the workforce increasingly fills with young, digital natives, utilisation of these technologies will be normalised. Think about capital-intensive industries such as automobile production, oil and gas, refining and power generation. They must preserve and institutionalise their industry knowledge efficiently and effectively to sustain operational excellence moving into the future. VR models offer the perfect solution to improve and develop skills amongst a new workforce in a range of critical functions and tasks without the risk.

Organisations that fail to keep pace and utilise the huge benefits of these technologies are doomed to fall behind, whether as a result of reduced productivity or increased costs. Automated systems can reduce power bills alone by 25 per cent, not to mention the time it saves by centralising control over technology and eliminating the risk of technical failures.

About Our Automation Solutions

Our team at Automation Associates develop tailored automation solutions for businesses based on their needs. We strive to help organisation operate more efficiently and effectively by creating spaces which encourage creativity, collaboration and productivity.

For more information about how we can help your business move forward with automation technology, explore our services or get in touch with our team.

Smart, well-designed workplaces create a more dynamic and appealing environment for staff, partners and clients. Automation systems can make your company more commercially savvy by making use of the latest technologies boost productivity and impress anyone your company deals with.

With so many technological advancements at our fingertips, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t make our commercial buildings smarter. Below we look at some of the exciting ways automated systems can transform your workplace and help you transition into a forward thinking and commercially savvy business.

Centralised Control

Customised automation systems offer a simple way for users to control multiple aspects in a space. It allows you to control lighting, temperature, appliances and other technologies. This can be very convenient in office spaces and conference rooms for employees, who can quickly set up a space according to their needs.

For other businesses, like luxury hotels, automation systems can be an impressive and indulgent experience for customers. By having this new technology in place, your company appears determined to offer state of the art services and keep pace with the latest technology.

Integrated System

You can be more commercially savvy in office environments with integrated automation systems, which can increase productivity by saving time on booking and setting up rooms. For example, we installed a centralised AV control system, which reports on AV usage and room occupation at Fonterra’s global headquarters in Auckland.

Room booking systems there can integrate with Outlook, allowing employees to manage available meeting spaces and book rooms. A user can view the booking schedule for each space and the status of meetings (in-progress or booked). The room can be prepared ahead of time so the necessary equipment is up and running and ready to go in time for the meeting.

Social and Public Areas

Automated systems can help you create the perfect atmosphere in public and social places in your business, whether it’s a public lobby or a break out space for employees. From background music and public address capability to huge video panel walls and advanced projection systems, the options are endless.

If your company has large public or social areas, creating a nice environment to hang out in, full of tech savvy gear will engage employees and customers alike. We can customise it to fit your brand image as well as the requirements of the people using the space.

Tailored Automation Solutions to Make Your Business Savvy

Organisations are increasingly using automation technology to give them an extra edge, transform spaces and improve operational practices. Our team at Automation Associates develop a tailored automation solution for businesses based on the space and what they need in order to be a commercially savvy organisation.

For more information about how we can help your business move forward with automation technology, explore our services or get in touch with our team.

Savvy business owners are constantly thinking about new ways technology can foster growth. Automated systems help businesses reduce costs and transform operational practices, offering opportunities for future development. The extent to which you can benefit from automation depends on how robust an implemented system is.

But how specifically can automated systems drive business growth? Rather than creating one big, immediate change, automated systems help facilitate growth by making little, day to day things quicker and easier to do.

Increased Productivity by automation systems

Say you were rolling out an automation system in your meeting rooms. An automated system provides a simple user interface for all employees to control. The system allows you to control various features of the room and AV tech, from lighting and shades to the presentation equipment itself. Simple user interfaces make navigating and adjusting settings a breeze, without the need for lengthy training.

Centralised control of automated systems improves workflow during meetings and presentations by preventing delays previously caused by the necessity to adjust lighting and equipment or other technical hiccups. During a previous workshop with a business in Auckland, we found that up to 15 minutes can be wasted trying to set up AV systems, with an additional 10 minutes in conversation with IT support. In a 60 minute meeting, that cuts productivity time down to 35 minutes.

Multiple conference or meeting rooms can be controlled from a centralised control panel, where you can pre-book rooms and adjust the settings in that room so everything is ready to go when you need it. The result is less confusion and less wasted time, leading to better productivity overall.

Cost Savings

Automated systems not only give you total control over settings, but also allow you to manage energy use, which ultimately results in reduced costs. Brendon Reid, Director of Automation Associates comments that half of the energy used in commercial buildings is wasted.

Quality automation systems efficiently use energy by controlling multiple settings from a centralised control system. For example, rather than flicking multiple switches for lights, AV technology and screens, all can be done with a press of a button. These clever systems will prepare the room according to your needs and can even sense when no one is in the room, shutting off the systems and conserving power.

Reputation and Improved Business Image

Automation systems show your clients, employees and any other visitors that your business is committed to quality communication, technology and efficiency. This can go a long way when it comes to impressing potential clients and partners with productive meetings facilitated by a robust automated system in a conference room.

Automated technology can also impress in a number of other settings. Luxury hotels are a common example of a business that uses state of the art automation systems to impress guests, providing them with a unique luxury experience. This includes dimming lights, AV, heating and security, all controlled and adjusted with a simple touch of a button.

Tailored Automation Solutions for Your Business

As we move into the future, more and more companies will utilise automation technology to drive growth. Our approach at Automation Associates involves understanding how your business uses technology and space to determine how we can help create multipurpose spaces capable of supporting activities and encouraging productivity, collaboration and free thinking.

For more information about how we can help your business move forward with automation technology, explore our services or get in touch with our team.

Hotel Guests Enjoy Luxury with Vantage Commercial Automation

The world’s finest hotels and resorts turn to Vantage commercial automation systems to deliver a one-of-a-kind luxury experience for their guests.

Customised state-of-the-art automation systems, giving guests all the comforts of home at the touch of a button. Vantage’s InFusion controller allows for future expansion, an important component for the owner as additional upgrades are planned.

Vantage offers flexibility through automatic and automated control over the lighting, right through to full AV and mechanical integration. Vantage is the most powerful system in the high end custom install market to deliver complete automation. It provides fully integrated, intelligent control over both the dimming and switching of lighting, and other solutions such as AV, heating and security. Its intuitive software is quicker and easier to programme than any other system and the results are breathtaking; allowing a property to be shaped to specific tastes and expectations with the touch of a button.

You’ll find Vantage controls all over the world in the finest hotels and resorts.  If you are looking for a scale-able solution for your hotel – whether it be boutique or large scale Vantage has a customiseable solution offering multiple languages for your guests.

Call Automation Associates today for more information. Phone 09 377 3778