Kiwis have a real “can do” attitude and our number 8 wire mentality has seen a lot of creativity spawn new products in the NZ Home Automation industry.

Clever Kiwi inventors have created products such as Smart Wires, (also known as Eboss) Kristal based in Auckland and recently Ata Touch from Hamilton –  even Cbus and Dynalite from across the ditch started as a home grown idea.

Recently I was contacted by a person in Te Awamutu that had a local sparky install a cowshed washdown control system in their house – it probably seemed like a great idea at the time but after a year it was driving the family mad when they couldn’t get some lights on and some would not turn off.  Some systems work well and give years of great service, but some are plagued with issues.

Sometimes the issues are caused by the system itself, but commonly they are caused by either stretching the system to do something it was not designed for or that the installer did not install it properly, either because they didn’t have the skills or experience to do it correctly or because corners were cut – usually to save costs.  Comments like “The system hasn’t worked since day one” or “The installer is lovely and tries but it still has faults” or “He just won’t answer the phone anymore” are common in these cases.

If this has happened to you, we can get you sorted out.  Automation Associates are one of NZ’s oldest and most experienced full service home automation companies with a nationwide team dedicated to “simplifying lives through technology”

We will come and look at the system, give you a frank appraisal of what is wrong and provide a plan to sort it out.  Whether the solution is working with a certified integrator for the system you have or replacing the system with one that works – you will soon be enjoying a simple home automation system that enhances your life.

Check out what Kris has to say about the work we did for him on his broken Kristal system:

“I have spent most of the last decade trying to keep my Kristil system running. Increasing failures and repairs, alongside a desire to stay abreast of evolving technologies caused me to search for a replacement and after lengthy evaluation chose a Vantage system from Automation Associates.   Since upgrading to Vantage I have finally achieved the vision I originally anticipated – a system that works reliably, can be controlled from anywhere, and that my family can use easily.  The AA crew are outstanding and truly know their stuff – I recommend them as seasoned professionals and only wish I had engaged them from the start. – Kris – Campbells Bay.

Email me at and we’ll get your system sorted out 😊